In this captivating film, Joana, a vibrant Brazilian woman, embarks on a momentous journey to reunite with her long-lost friend Kevin in Uganda. Their bond was forged two decades ago during their shared study years in Germany, and now, on the cusp of their 40s, they yearn to reconnect amidst the complexities of life. Delving into the intricate tapestry of female friendship, this cinematic masterpiece celebrates the enduring power of their relationship.
In this captivating film, Joana, a vibrant Brazilian woman, embarks on a momentous journey to reunite with her long-lost friend Kevin in Uganda. Their bond was forged two decades ago during their shared study years in Germany, and now, on the cusp of their 40s, they yearn to reconnect amidst the complexities of life. Delving into the intricate tapestry of female friendship, this cinematic masterpiece celebrates the enduring power of their relationship.