This film, produced on behalf of the Landesbildstelle Berlin, shows with self-deprecating commentary, numerous impressions of Berlin's everyday life in the 1950s. On the one hand you mention the well-known Berliner Schnauze, on the other hand the courtesy that you are proud of.
And who thinks he enters Berlin with a "hot plaster", is taught a better, because "quite as dangerous and politically hot, it really is not." The international flair, the rich cultural life, the raging traffic has so nothing to do with an island, rather than a cosmopolitan city.
This film, produced on behalf of the Landesbildstelle Berlin, shows with self-deprecating commentary, numerous impressions of Berlin's everyday life in the 1950s. On the one hand you mention the well-known Berliner Schnauze, on the other hand the courtesy that you are proud of.
And who thinks he enters Berlin with a "hot plaster", is taught a better, because "quite as dangerous and politically hot, it really is not." The international flair, the rich cultural life, the raging traffic has so nothing to do with an island, rather than a cosmopolitan city.