Season 2 | Episode 1: Vancouver

Städte am Meer

Travel/Nature, Germany 2015

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Vancouver is a crossroads of cultures. The city has always attracted people from all over the world to Canada's west coast. Of the 2.5 million inhabitants, half belong to the 'visible minorities' whose mother tongue is not English. This is also due to Vancouver's fantastic location. The Pacific Ocean lies at its feet, while the peaks of the Coast Mountains rise up behind it. Urbanity and wilderness lie close together. Many of its cosmopolitan residents feel more at home outdoors than indoors, cycling or skiing, canoeing or sailing. The inner-city Stanley Park is home to 500 different species of animals, and on some days bald eagles can be seen circling in the sky above the city. For many residents, the love of nature is more than just a leisure activity. Officially, the city has announced that it wants to become the greenest city in the world by 2020. But who is surprised, Greenpeace was also founded there.
45 min
Starting at 6
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16:9 HD, Color

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Starting at 6

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