Sesame Street, Highlights Puppet Movies: Grobi's restaurant: Count Zahl - A sausage with a bun/ Kermit & Grobi: The hairpiece/ Three Little Pigs: Big Bad Wolf/ Ernie & Bert: A Piece of Apple Pie/ The Barber: "Long time no see"/ Ernie: A Poem about the 12/ The Big Mumpitz & Grobi: The Pineapple Trick/ Ernie & Schlemihl: R & P/ Grobi's Restaurant: A Frikadelle Please/ Robert: School Game/ Kermit: The new race between the hare and the tortoise.
Sesame Street, Highlights Puppet Movies: Grobi's restaurant: Count Zahl - A sausage with a bun/ Kermit & Grobi: The hairpiece/ Three Little Pigs: Big Bad Wolf/ Ernie & Bert: A Piece of Apple Pie/ The Barber: "Long time no see"/ Ernie: A Poem about the 12/ The Big Mumpitz & Grobi: The Pineapple Trick/ Ernie & Schlemihl: R & P/ Grobi's Restaurant: A Frikadelle Please/ Robert: School Game/ Kermit: The new race between the hare and the tortoise.