The Queen is not amused - Schlüter is not exactly what you would call a "fishing friend". As a fish, of course, that's no wonder. He is all the more annoyed that Little Bear, of all people, likes to go fishing. And a huge argument breaks out between the two of them. Antje has to mediate and tells him about Grandpa Pushkin, who saved the crown jewels of the British Empire with the help of a fishing rod and thus won the favor of the English royal family ...
The Queen is not amused - Schlüter is not exactly what you would call a "fishing friend". As a fish, of course, that's no wonder. He is all the more annoyed that Little Bear, of all people, likes to go fishing. And a huge argument breaks out between the two of them. Antje has to mediate and tells him about Grandpa Pushkin, who saved the crown jewels of the British Empire with the help of a fishing rod and thus won the favor of the English royal family ...